How I Got Rid of Clothes, and How YOU Can Do It Too!

Well that was one of the longest titles ever! I have been clearing my clothes out recently, and I’m usually really bad at doing that, so I thought I’d share some tips with you all, in case you, just like me, find it really difficult to clean!

So before I start, I should say that I’m a very sentimental person. If someone gives me clothes or anything really, I don’t like throwing them out or donating them because I feel like I will offend the person, even though I won’t! So get it into your head, that if you no longer have a use for it, it needs to go:)

The next thing to do is empty your whole wardrobe out and divide into four piles; throw away, donate, sell and keep. Once you have the four piles, you can then put the clothes that need to be washed into the wash, put the clothes you’re donating into a big bin bag, take photos of the clothes you’re going to sell, throw out that clothes that can’t be donatred or sold, and then put away everything else.

What I also did, is with the ‘keep’ clothes, is put away all of the clothes for Summer, since in Italy it’s currently Winter. I put all of them into a big box and will swap those clothes for Winter clothes when Summer arrives!

My next tip is, don’t try to sell everything for the sake of money. Only sell things that you think will actually be bought.. so if I were you I wouldn’t try selling stained and holey clothes on a Facebook page;) It will only take up storage on your phone! Also make sure that when you advertise the clothing, to include the size and brand. And try not to accidentally sell clothes that were given to you by someone else if they are on that Facebook page or might see the post somehow!

When you’ve finished cleaning and organising everything, if you have some spare cash, go out and buy a new pair of jeans, or a cardigan.. after all, you just got rid of about ten!

Using these tips, I managed to clear out nearly two large bin bags of clothes!

If you decide to clean out your wardrobe, let me know how many bags you get rid of!


Lucia, x.



5 thoughts on “How I Got Rid of Clothes, and How YOU Can Do It Too!

  1. lucia says:

    I go through my clothes a lot but my mom doesn’t let me get rid of clothes unless they don’t fit. For the longest time I didn’t grow much, but fortunately in the past few years I’ve grown a lot more šŸ˜„

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